
Wonderings of a Wanderer (hence wo-andering). I came up with the name durring a month long road trip. While I'm no longer wandering about physicly, my mind is always on a road trip, so I thought I would start writing the trip down.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Privileges of Salvation and Blessing

Acts 11:18. When the others heard this, all their objections were answered and they began praising God. They said, “God has also given the Gentiles the privilege of turning from sin and receiving eternal life.”

I can hardly believe that the salvation, the relationship with God that I have was one that might have not happened had it not been for God’s generosity in giving me, a Gentile, the privilege of turning from sin and receiving eternal life. I’m a mutt, basically. Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Ceckeslovokian, English… and that is just on my Dad’s side. These and all nations other than the Jews are Gentile nations, or nations God did not choose to save. Although he gave provisions for the Gentile who wished to become Jewish in the Old Testament, we are not his chosen people. And yet, we are. For it was God’s plan to save all humanity through the Jews. Here, we at long last see this fulfilled.

I guess I’m writing this entry because I truly am floored by the word “privilege.” This really is a privilege guys and galls! We don’t deserve this! This is something I want to keep in mind, that God didn’t have to save me.

I think of all the times the Word talks about fearing God. I use to have a hard time with that, but lets face it, God can be pretty scary! It’s like in the Narnia series, “He’s not a tame lion!” I fear my God in the way I respect Him, the way I am in utter shock at His greatness. Yet my fear does not overrun my love for Him, nor the Love I feel from Him. He has given me a privilege in knowing Him, and it is fearful to think that He might not have been that loving… that is if He wasn’t He.

Acts 11:27-30. Hello! How utterly trusting in God’s provision is this? Here we have a group of believers who receive a prophecy from one of their own that a famine is coming over the Roman empire. How do they treat this prophecy? Do they say, “Ooo… that’s really incredible to know that will (might) happen!” or “Goodness, we better save up for ourselves and watch number 1!” No! They donate everything they can to the brethren in Judea! Can you imagine it? All they have is a prophecy! Yet they are giving away what was probably the equivalent of thousands of dollars! This, my friends, is REAL faith, faith in action, faith that is not afraid, but fears God and His power more than the famine or their own loss of money. They act because they know God has given them a chance to make a difference and show love.

O dear God, may we be like them!


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