
Wonderings of a Wanderer (hence wo-andering). I came up with the name durring a month long road trip. While I'm no longer wandering about physicly, my mind is always on a road trip, so I thought I would start writing the trip down.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Learning to grudgingly accept fun

It is a dangerous thing for me as a Christian who wishes to do the will of God, to find happiness in any thing in this world. The trick is to thank God for everything, otherwise anything can become an addiction, a distraction, or a sin against God. I'm easily addicted, easily distracted from my loving God, who is the only One who can keep me sane. When not in Him, my thinking becomes insane and I start believing things like "an hour of this video game will make me happy!" when in reality it very well might make me more unhappy because 1. it will distract me from the God who gives me true joy, and 2. because it will set back what ever it is that I need to get done by X amount of time. To me, it is a difficult thing to live in our entertainment driven culture. It is far to easy to desire to live for myself when I see it in every aspect of our culture, from the prevelence of coffee shops, to our entertainment. Yet I don't believe entertainment is bad! I think it can be incredably entriching to life, as well as necesary, freeing us from monotony. My conclusion is that if I can't thank God for it, I shouldn't be doing it. My priority is always 1st to keep connected with God and filled with His Holy Spirit. After that I may grudgingly say "Well, it's not as good as God, but I guess it's fun. Thank you God for this video game, movie, etc." "God, I offer myself to You-to build with me and to do with me as You will. Relieve me of the bondage of self, that I may better do Your will. Grant me victory over my difficulties, that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Your Power, Your Love, and Your Way of life. May I do Your will always!" (Updated from Alcoholics Anonymous, p. 63)


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