
Wonderings of a Wanderer (hence wo-andering). I came up with the name durring a month long road trip. While I'm no longer wandering about physicly, my mind is always on a road trip, so I thought I would start writing the trip down.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Too many thoughts on God

On my gods, as seen through AA The AA big book says, on age 415 in the essay called Acceptance was the Answer, "not taking a drink is by far the most important thing I do each day." I do not consider myself an alcoholic at this point, but there are things I'm addicted to, which I find addictive, unhealthy and destructive to my sanity (mental/emotional stability). These are things which separate me from my God and can be as simple as a fantasy book, a game, or a movie. These things do not always function in this way, only if I "drink" them, that is, take them into that deepest part of myself which is the residence of God. When I begin to treat anything as a god, by my excitement over it, my dependency on it to make me happy, by thinking of it excessively, or by thinking of it before I think of God, I loose my sanity, my mental and emotional stability. God is my sanity. He is the one that allows me to function on a day to day bases. Without him, I might very well become an alcoholic, or a fantasyaholic, or some other aholic. I would soon become lost in gods because, simply put, I'm powerless over my life. Later in the same essay, the author says "and acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing or situation - some fact of my life - unacceptable to me and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at that moment. Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in God's world by mistake. ... unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes." "When I stopped living in the problem and began living in the answer, the problem went away." On my God, as seen through John 14... kinda Ok, I'm going to take this opportunity to throw out one of my crazy little theories. Ahhh... pontificating. Please do not confuse the following with any sane thinking of any sane Christian group. I'm sure there are some not so sane one's who might pounce on this with glee, but for now, just consider it a random theory of a random mind. (Oh, and 'theory' as the term is intended, not as in, say, the theory of evolution, which often treated as 'fact' in spite of a total and complete lack of any intermediate stages of evolution in the fossil records. But I digress...) John 14:19, Jesus says 'I am in the Father, and you are in me, and I am in you." This sentiment is expressed in a variety of ways throughout scripture, and even the statement about "many rooms" prepared for us, and "anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done" earlier in the chapter speak, if only indirectly, of what I'm about to suggest. Or maybe my formentioned insane mine just thinks they do. At any rate, here is what I would like to suggest. What if when God tells us he is making a bride out of the church, it really does mean that in more than just a fanciful way? What if, in other words, God is making a partner, a being which mirrors his character even if it can never be as great as he himself? (This is feeling more and more stupid as I write. But right I will! If only to get it out of my head.) Think about the analogy of the church as his bride. Think about the millions of people he is calling through out time to be a part of this. Think of the infinite variations in us, and the minute fashioning of lives He endeavors at. It is conceivable, that by the time this world is done, there will be one representative of every type of personality, life, action, and faith possible. Perhaps each generation, time, and set of circumstances provides the possibility for a different life to evolve (wow, now it sounds like evolution). And when all these variations on people are added up, all these parts of the body are assembled, and we are all in our prepared places, could we in a since form a counterpart to God? God uses marriage as a representation of our relationship with Him, and of course, gives us intercourse. What does it say to us that God would give us an act of implanting something into each other which will form a child? Will the church some day have God's child? And of course, that just gets downright confusing. God's only child is Christ, who is himself in human form. .. and ... and... And I need to get to work. So long crazy theory. Love ya all.


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